Lomé, Togo, January 2020,  w. Martin De Bie.


Invited by the Woelab for a week of residency, Martin De Bie and I explored the capital of Togo to find ways to reuse waste electronics and plastics for the fablab's community. Our proposal developed into a flexible wind turbine made out of plastic bag waste and reclaimed DC motors found in dumps. The city being at a seafront, a constant wind comes from a single direction, and the solution provides an additional energy source in a place of regular electricity shutdowns and public light scarcity.


A huge thank to the Woelab, Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, Mabizaa Badanaro, Desire Anika, Prosper, and the kids of the Djidjolé neighborhood.


Footage, film direction and montage by Lucile Prin.

Music by Sébastien Casanova.


Project supported by the Woelab, Bourse Agora pour le Design 2019 and EXC Matters of Activity, Humboldt University.